Saturday, December 5, 2009

HI...ITs me Bee!



SO i am bEe, wells actually my name is Brittney SAraH LeE BaileY, but call me BeE. I am the OTHER LAZIer girl that is linked to this blog! I am going to try my hardest to make this blog a weekly thing! YePpIe WiNtER HoLiDay!!!

Top TEn REaSoNS i LOVE being SIngle!

1. i dont have to worry about aniversiries. ( i dont know about you but when it comes to those i never know what to do...EVER)

2. More GiRly Fun Times.

3. I can do what i What during my free time, i dont have to plan my life around "THE BOY"

4. I dont have to feel bad about lusting after HOTTIES such as the one listed below.

can i just say he is mine?

5. I can have guy friends without the boy going savage on me [lets just say my ex was a savage]

6. I can flirt with boys with out feeling horrid (ps i recently discovered i LOVE to flirt, i just do it naturally!)

7. I am finding out that who i am on my own. I know that i can not define my happiness by my other half.

8. I don't have to share my icecream, or any other food for that matter.

This is my current favorite!!!! Try it!

9. I dont have to shave my legs EVERY day of the week. HELLO WINTER! Did i hear an

10. I don't have to worry about cutting any boys out of any pics, bc i try not to break up with ma frans....(my word for friends.... i have my own lingo, you will learn young ones!)

P.S. I love this song. This is for He Who Must Not Be NAmed [aka what we will call my ex on this blog!]

Yeah thats right my ex was Lord Voldemort!

umm take my breath away!


S said...

I agree with your reasons. I've never wanted to be the girl who ditches her friends for her boyfriend or her whole life just revolves around him.
So being single for so long is a good thing :) & I've recently discovered I like flirting too! Except it could possibly get me into trouble

Bee Sarah Lee Bailey said...

dont worry about the trouble! trouble can sometimes be fun! life is too short to not live in the now!

Karina F. said...

Whoohoo for being single!